FSRegister a listener to receive wallet notifications.
listener to receive wallet notifications
backgroundProves a wallet has a disposable reserve using a signature.
public wallet address
message included with the signature to further authenticate the proof (optional)
reserve proof signature to check
the result of checking the signature proof
Prove a spend using a signature. Unlike proving a transaction, it does not require the destination public address.
transaction to prove
message included with the signature to further authenticate the proof (optional)
transaction signature to confirm
true if the signature is good, false otherwise
Check a transaction in the blockchain with its secret key.
transaction to check
transaction's secret key
destination public address of the transaction
the result of the check
Prove a transaction by checking its signature.
transaction to prove
destination public address of the transaction
message included with the signature to further authenticate the proof
transaction signature to confirm
the result of the check
Create a new account with a label for the first subaddress.
label: stringlabel for account's first subaddress (optional)
the created account
Create a subaddress within an account.
index of the account to create the subaddress within
label: stringthe label for the subaddress (optional)
the created subaddress
Create a transaction to transfer funds from this wallet.
configures the transaction to create (required)
the created transaction
Create one or more transactions to transfer funds from this wallet.
configures the transactions to create (required)
the created transactions
Decode an integrated address to get its standard address and payment id.
integrated address to decode
the decoded integrated address including standard address and payment id
Describe a tx set from multisig tx hex.
multisig tx hex
the tx set containing structured transactions
Describe a tx set containing unsigned or multisig tx hex to a new tx set containing structured transactions.
a tx set containing unsigned or multisig tx hex
txSet - the tx set containing structured transactions
Describe a tx set from unsigned tx hex.
unsigned tx hex
the tx set containing structured transactions
Edit an address book entry.
index of the address book entry to edit
specifies if the address should be updated
updated address
specifies if the description should be updated
updated description
Exchange multisig hex with participants in a M/N multisig wallet.
This process must be repeated with participants exactly N-M times.
are multisig hex from each participant
wallet's password // TODO monero-project: redundant? wallet is created with password
the result which has the multisig's address xor this wallet's multisig hex to share with participants iff not done
Export signed key images.
export all key images if true, else export the key images since the last export (default false)
the wallet's signed key images
Get an account.
index of the account to get
includeSubaddresses: booleaninclude subaddresses if true
the retrieved account
Return all account tags.
the wallet's account tags
Get accounts with a given tag.
includeSubaddresses: booleaninclude subaddresses if true
tag: stringtag for filtering accounts, all accounts if undefined
all accounts with the given tag
Get the address of a specific subaddress.
the account index of the address's subaddress
the subaddress index within the account
the receive address of the specified subaddress
Get address book entries.
entryIndices: number[]indices of the entries to get
the address book entries
Get the account and subaddress index of the given address.
address to get the account and subaddress index from
the account and subaddress indices
Get the balance of the wallet, account, or subaddress.
accountIdx: numberindex of the account to get the balance of (default all accounts)
subaddressIdx: numberindex of the subaddress to get the balance of (default all subaddresses)
the balance of the wallet, account, or subaddress
Get the wallet's daemon connection manager.
the wallet's daemon connection manager
Get the wallet's daemon connection.
the wallet's daemon connection
Get the current default fee priority (unimportant, normal, elevated, etc).
the current fee priority
Get the blockchain's height by date as a conservative estimate for scanning.
year of the height to get
month of the height to get as a number between 1 and 12
day of the height to get as a number between 1 and 31
the blockchain's approximate height at the given date
Get incoming transfers.
configures the query (optional)
incoming transfers that meet the query
Get an integrated address based on the given standard address and payment ID. Uses the wallet's primary address if an address is not given. Generates a random payment ID if a payment ID is not given.
standardAddress: stringis the standard address to generate the integrated address from (wallet's primary address if undefined)
paymentId: stringis the payment ID to generate an integrated address from (randomly generated if undefined)
the integrated address
Get the listeners registered with the wallet.
the registered listeners
Get multisig info about this wallet.
multisig info about this wallet
Get the wallet's network type (mainnet, testnet, or stagenet).
the wallet's network type
Get new key images from the last imported outputs.
the key images from the last imported outputs
Get outgoing transfers.
configures the query (optional)
outgoing transfers that meet the query
Get outputs created from previous transactions that belong to the wallet (i.e. that the wallet can spend one time). Outputs are part of transactions which are stored in blocks on the blockchain.
Results can be filtered by passing a query object. Outputs must meet every criteria defined in the query in order to be returned. All filtering is optional and no filtering is applied when not defined.
query: Partial<MoneroOutputQuery>configures the query (optional)
the queried outputs
Creates a payment URI from a send configuration.
specifies configuration for a potential tx
the payment uri
Generate a signature to prove an available amount in an account.
account to prove ownership of the amount
minimum amount to prove as available in the account
message: stringmessage to include with the signature to further authenticate the proof (optional)
the reserve proof signature
Generate a signature to prove a spend. Unlike proving a transaction, it does not require the destination public address.
transaction to prove
message: stringmessage to include with the signature to further authenticate the proof (optional)
the transaction signature
Get a subaddress.
index of the subaddress's account
index of the subaddress within the account
the retrieved subaddress
Get subaddresses in an account.
account to get subaddresses within
subaddressIndices: number[]indices of subaddresses to get (optional)
the retrieved subaddresses
Get incoming and outgoing transfers to and from this wallet. An outgoing transfer represents a total amount sent from one or more subaddresses within an account to individual destination addresses, each with their own amount. An incoming transfer represents a total amount received into a subaddress within an account. Transfers belong to transactions which are stored on the blockchain.
Results can be filtered by passing a query object. Transfers must meet every criteria defined in the query in order to be returned. All criteria are optional and no filtering is applied when not defined.
query: Partial<MoneroTransferQuery>configures the query (optional)
wallet transfers that meet the query
Get a wallet transaction by hash.
hash of a transaction to get
the identified transaction or undefined if not found
Get a transaction signature to prove it.
transaction to prove
destination public address of the transaction
message: stringmessage to include with the signature to further authenticate the proof (optional)
the transaction signature
Get wallet transactions. Wallet transactions contain one or more transfers that are either incoming or outgoing to the wallet.
Results can be filtered by passing a query object. Transactions must meet every criteria defined in the query in order to be returned. All criteria are optional and no filtering is applied when not defined.
query: string[] | Partial<MoneroTxQuery>configures the query (optional)
wallet transactions per the configuration
Get the unlocked balance of the wallet, account, or subaddress.
accountIdx: numberindex of the account to get the unlocked balance of (optional)
subaddressIdx: numberindex of the subaddress to get the unlocked balance of (optional)
the unlocked balance of the wallet, account, or subaddress
Gets the version of the wallet.
the version of the wallet
getImport signed key images and verify their spent status.
images to import and verify (requires hex and signature)
results of the import
Make this wallet multisig by importing multisig hex from participants.
multisig hex from each participant
number of signatures needed to sign transfers
wallet password
this wallet's multisig hex to share with participants
Parses a payment URI to a tx config.
payment uri to parse
the send configuration parsed from the uri
refreshRelay a previously created transaction.
transaction or its metadata to relay
the hash of the relayed tx
Relay previously created transactions.
transactions or their metadata to relay
the hashes of the relayed txs
Rescan the blockchain for spent outputs.
Note: this can only be called with a trusted daemon.
Example use case: peer multisig hex is import when connected to an untrusted daemon, so the wallet will not rescan spent outputs. Then the wallet connects to a trusted daemon. This method should be manually invoked to rescan outputs.
setSet the wallet's daemon connection manager.
connectionManager: MoneroConnectionManagermanages connections to monerod
Set the wallet's daemon connection.
uriOrConnection: string | MoneroRpcConnectiondaemon's URI or connection (defaults to offline)
Sign a message.
the message to sign
sign with spend key or view key (default spend key)
the account index of the message signature (default 0)
the subaddress index of the message signature (default 0)
the signature
Sign multisig transactions from a multisig wallet.
unsigned multisig transactions as hex
the result of signing the multisig transactions
Sign unsigned transactions from a view-only wallet.
unsigned transaction hex from when the transactions were created
the signed transaction set
Start mining.
number of threads created for mining (optional)
backgroundMining: booleanspecifies if mining should occur in the background (optional)
ignoreBattery: booleanspecifies if the battery should be ignored for mining (optional)
Sweep all unmixable dust outputs back to the wallet to make them easier to spend and mix.
NOTE: Dust only exists pre RCT, so this method will throw "no dust to sweep" on new wallets.
relay: booleanspecifies if the resulting transaction should be relayed (default false)
the created transactions
Sweep an output by key image.
configures the transaction to create (required)
the created transaction
Sweep all unlocked funds according to the given configuration.
configures the transactions to create (required)
the created transactions
Synchronize the wallet with the daemon as a one-time synchronous process.
listenerOrStartHeight: number | MoneroWalletListenerlistener xor start height (defaults to no sync listener, the last synced block)
startHeight: numberstartHeight if not given in first arg (defaults to last synced block)
allowConcurrentCalls: boolean = falseallow other wallet methods to be processed simultaneously during sync (default false)
WARNING: enabling this option will crash wallet execution if another call makes a simultaneous network request. TODO: possible to sync wasm network requests in http_client_wasm.cpp?
Verify a signature on a message.
signed message
signing address
true if the signature is good, false otherwise
createCreate a wallet using WebAssembly bindings to monero-project.
let wallet = await MoneroWalletKeys.createWallet({
password: "abc123",
networkType: MoneroNetworkType.STAGENET,
seed: "coexist igloo pamphlet lagoon..."
MoneroWalletConfig or equivalent config object
the created wallet
walletCheck if a wallet exists at a given path.
path of the wallet on the file system
file system compatible with Node.js fs.promises
API (defaults to disk or in-memory FS if browser)
true if a wallet exists at the given path, false otherwise
Generated using TypeDoc
Implements a Monero wallet using client-side WebAssembly bindings to monero-project's wallet2 in C++.