Register a listener to receive daemon notifications.
listener to receive daemon notifications
Check for update.
the result
Download an update.
path: stringpath to download the update (optional)
the result
Get alternative chains seen by the node.
alternative chains
Get a block by hash.
hash of the block to get
with the given hash
Get a block by height.
height of the block to get
with the given height
Get block hashes as a binary request to the daemon.
specify block hashes to fetch; first 10 blocks hash goes sequential, next goes in pow(2,n) offset, like 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64 and so on, and the last one is always genesis block
starting height of block hashes to return
requested block hashes
Get a block header by its hash.
hash of the block to get the header of
block's header
Get a block header by its height.
height of the block to get the header of
block's header
Get block headers for the given range.
startHeight: numberstart height lower bound inclusive (optional)
endHeight: numberend height upper bound inclusive (optional)
for the given range
Get a block template for mining a new block.
address of the wallet to receive miner transactions if block is successfully mined
reserveSize: numberreserve size (optional)
is a block template for mining a new block
Get blocks by hash.
array of hashes; first 10 blocks hashes goes sequential, next goes in pow(2,n) offset, like 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64 and so on, and the last one is always genesis block
start height to get blocks by hash
prune: boolean = falsespecifies if returned blocks should be pruned (defaults to false) // TODO: test default
retrieved blocks
Get blocks at the given heights.
heights of the blocks to get
are blocks at the given heights
Get blocks in the given height range.
startHeight: numberstart height lower bound inclusive (optional)
endHeight: numberend height upper bound inclusive (optional)
are blocks in the given height range
Get blocks in the given height range as chunked requests so that each request is not too big.
startHeight: numberstart height lower bound inclusive (optional)
endHeight: numberend height upper bound inclusive (optional)
maxChunkSize: numbermaximum chunk size in any one request (default 3,000,000 bytes)
blocks in the given height range
Get mining fee estimates per kB.
graceBlocks: numberTODO
mining fee estimates per kB
Look up information regarding hard fork voting and readiness.
contains hard fork information
Get general information about the state of the node and the network.
is general information about the node and network
Get the spent status of the given key image.
key image hex to get the status of
status of the key image
Get the spent status of each given key image.
are hex key images to get the statuses of
status for each key image
Get known peers including their last known online status.
the daemon's known peers
Get the last block's header.
last block's header
Get the listeners registered with the daemon.
the registered listeners
Gets the total emissions and fees from the genesis block to the current height.
height to start computing the miner sum
number of blocks to include in the sum
encapsulates the total emissions and fees since the genesis block
Get the daemon's mining status.
daemon's mining status
Get a histogram of output amounts. For all amounts (possibly filtered by parameters), gives the number of outputs on the chain for that amount. RingCT outputs counts as 0 amount.
amounts: bigint[]amounts of outputs to make the histogram with
minCount: numberTODO
maxCount: numberTODO
isUnlocked: booleanmakes a histogram with outputs with the specified lock state
recentCutoff: numberTODO
are entries meeting the parameters
Get outputs identified by a list of output amounts and indices as a binary request.
identify each output by amount and index
identified outputs
Get peers with active incoming or outgoing connections to the node.
the daemon's peers
Get synchronization information.
contains sync information
Get a transaction by hash.
txHash: stringhash of the transaction to get
prune: boolean = falsespecifies if the returned tx should be pruned (defaults to false)
transaction with the given hash or undefined if not found
Get transaction pool statistics.
contains statistics about the transaction pool
Get transactions by hashes.
hashes of transactions to get
prune: boolean = falsespecifies if the returned txs should be pruned (defaults to false)
found transactions with the given hashes
Gets the version of the daemon.
the version of the daemon
Prune the blockchain.
specifies to check the pruning (default false)
the prune result
Unregister a listener to receive daemon notifications.
listener to unregister
Ban a peer node.
contains information about a node to ban
Ban peers nodes.
specify which peers to ban
Start mining.
address given miner rewards if the daemon mines a block
numThreads: numbernumber of mining threads to run (default 1)
isBackground: booleanspecifies if the miner should run in the background or not (default false)
ignoreBattery: booleanspecifies if the battery state (e.g. on laptop) should be ignored or not (default false)
Submits a transaction to the daemon's pool.
raw transaction hex to submit
specifies if the tx should be relayed (default false, i.e. relay)
contains submission results
Get the header of the next block added to the chain.
header of the next block added to the chain
Generated using TypeDoc
Monero daemon interface and default implementations.