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changePassword(String, String) - Method in interface monero.wallet.MoneroWallet
Change the wallet password.
changePassword(String, String) - Method in class monero.wallet.MoneroWalletFull
changePassword(String, String) - Method in class monero.wallet.MoneroWalletRpc
checkConnection() - Method in class monero.common.MoneroConnectionManager
Check the current connection.
checkConnection(long) - Method in class monero.common.MoneroRpcConnection
Check the connection and update online, authentication, and response time status.
checkConnections() - Method in class monero.common.MoneroConnectionManager
Check all managed connections.
checkForUpdate() - Method in interface monero.daemon.MoneroDaemon
Check for update.
checkForUpdate() - Method in class monero.daemon.MoneroDaemonRpc
checkReserveProof(String, String, String) - Method in interface monero.wallet.MoneroWallet
Proves a wallet has a disposable reserve using a signature.
checkReserveProof(String, String, String) - Method in class monero.wallet.MoneroWalletFull
checkReserveProof(String, String, String) - Method in class monero.wallet.MoneroWalletRpc
checkSpendProof(String, String, String) - Method in interface monero.wallet.MoneroWallet
Prove a spend using a signature.
checkSpendProof(String, String, String) - Method in class monero.wallet.MoneroWalletFull
checkSpendProof(String, String, String) - Method in class monero.wallet.MoneroWalletRpc
checkTxKey(String, String, String) - Method in interface monero.wallet.MoneroWallet
Check a transaction in the blockchain with its secret key.
checkTxKey(String, String, String) - Method in class monero.wallet.MoneroWalletFull
checkTxKey(String, String, String) - Method in class monero.wallet.MoneroWalletRpc
checkTxProof(String, String, String, String) - Method in interface monero.wallet.MoneroWallet
Prove a transaction by checking its signature.
checkTxProof(String, String, String, String) - Method in class monero.wallet.MoneroWalletFull
checkTxProof(String, String, String, String) - Method in class monero.wallet.MoneroWalletRpc
clear() - Method in class monero.common.MoneroConnectionManager
Remove all connections.
close() - Method in interface monero.wallet.MoneroWallet
Close the wallet (does not save).
close() - Method in class monero.wallet.MoneroWalletRpc
close(boolean) - Method in interface monero.wallet.MoneroWallet
Optionally save then close the wallet.
close(boolean) - Method in class monero.wallet.MoneroWalletFull
close(boolean) - Method in class monero.wallet.MoneroWalletRpc
common.types - package common.types
common.utils - package common.utils
compare(MoneroOutput, MoneroOutput) - Method in class monero.wallet.MoneroWalletRpc.OutputComparator
compare(MoneroIncomingTransfer, MoneroIncomingTransfer) - Method in class monero.wallet.MoneroWalletRpc.IncomingTransferComparator
configureNativeLogging(String, boolean) - Static method in class monero.common.MoneroUtils
Initialize JNI logging.
CONFIRMED - Enum constant in enum monero.daemon.model.MoneroKeyImageSpentStatus
ConnectionType - Enum in monero.daemon.model
Enumerates connection types.
copy() - Method in class monero.daemon.model.MoneroBlock
copy() - Method in class monero.daemon.model.MoneroFeeEstimate
copy() - Method in class monero.daemon.model.MoneroKeyImage
copy() - Method in class monero.daemon.model.MoneroOutput
copy() - Method in class monero.daemon.model.MoneroTx
copy() - Method in class monero.wallet.model.MoneroDestination
copy() - Method in class monero.wallet.model.MoneroIncomingTransfer
copy() - Method in class monero.wallet.model.MoneroOutgoingTransfer
copy() - Method in class monero.wallet.model.MoneroOutputQuery
copy() - Method in class monero.wallet.model.MoneroOutputWallet
copy() - Method in class monero.wallet.model.MoneroTransfer
copy() - Method in class monero.wallet.model.MoneroTransferQuery
copy() - Method in class monero.wallet.model.MoneroTxConfig
copy() - Method in class monero.wallet.model.MoneroTxQuery
copy() - Method in class monero.wallet.model.MoneroTxWallet
copy() - Method in class monero.wallet.model.MoneroWalletConfig
createAccount() - Method in interface monero.wallet.MoneroWallet
Create a new account.
createAccount() - Method in class monero.wallet.MoneroWalletRpc
createAccount(String) - Method in interface monero.wallet.MoneroWallet
Create a new account with a label for the first subaddress.
createAccount(String) - Method in class monero.wallet.MoneroWalletFull
createAccount(String) - Method in class monero.wallet.MoneroWalletRpc
createSubaddress(int) - Method in interface monero.wallet.MoneroWallet
Create a subaddress within an account and without a label.
createSubaddress(int) - Method in class monero.wallet.MoneroWalletRpc
createSubaddress(int, String) - Method in interface monero.wallet.MoneroWallet
Create a subaddress within an account.
createSubaddress(int, String) - Method in class monero.wallet.MoneroWalletFull
createSubaddress(int, String) - Method in class monero.wallet.MoneroWalletRpc
createTx(MoneroTxConfig) - Method in interface monero.wallet.MoneroWallet
Create a transaction to transfer funds from this wallet.
createTx(MoneroTxConfig) - Method in class monero.wallet.MoneroWalletRpc
createTxs(MoneroTxConfig) - Method in interface monero.wallet.MoneroWallet
Create one or more transactions to transfer funds from this wallet.
createTxs(MoneroTxConfig) - Method in class monero.wallet.MoneroWalletFull
createTxs(MoneroTxConfig) - Method in class monero.wallet.MoneroWalletRpc
createWallet(MoneroWalletConfig) - Static method in class monero.wallet.MoneroWalletFull
Create a wallet using JNI bindings to wallet2.h.
createWallet(MoneroWalletConfig) - Method in class monero.wallet.MoneroWalletRpc
Create and open a wallet on the monero-wallet-rpc server.
CURRENT - Enum constant in enum monero.common.MoneroConnectionManager.PollType
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All Classes and Interfaces|All Packages|Constant Field Values|Serialized Form